Six texts from the Antidot portal short-listed for the prestigious journalist reward in Podgorica
Antidot gets the first prize from the Podgorica Journalistic Forum
As many as six texts from our portal were shortlisted on this year’s third Podgorica Journalistic Forum, and the piece “Obstruction of the truth: The third bullet and the political background of the assassination of Zoran Đinđić” prepared by Antidot’s team – Miloš Ćirić, Snežana Čongradin and Matja Stojanović – won first prize for written journalism in a unanimous decision of the jury. Apart from the prize-winning text, in the category of written journalism, text by Slobodan Jovanović “Church disputes in Montenegro: Century of political abuse of religion” particularly attracted attention. Works by Antidot’s authors Ivica Profaca – “Defenders of the Tent Revolution”, Zijo Dizdarević – “The unrest of Srebrenica”, then texts by Ivana Jovanović – “Lonely Wolves from the Balkans” and Lidija Valtner – “Away from the public eye: Case of Jelova gora – Secret talks between Prosecution and the suspect,” as well as the work “Dossier Šarić: Justice system and the media as political instruments” were well received.
These texts were competing with over 130 pieces, entered in the competition for the awarding of this prestigious prize and coming from 60 news rooms and six countries from the region.

The jury unanimously awarded the prize for best original piece of writing to the text “Obstruction of the truth: Third bullet and the political background of the assassination of Zoran Đinđić” which is certainly one of the most comprehensive works written up to now on the topic of the political background of the assassination of Zoran Đinđić. The facts which preceded the murder of the Serbian Prime Minister, the act of the murder itself, court proceedings which followed, but also the overall political and social context which stretches up to now and is still disabling the investigation of the political instigators of this crime are analyzed on more than thirty pages. This text speaks about the cover up of responsibility related to the political background of the assassination, about October 5th, relationship between Koštunica and Đinđić, about Koštunica’s defending of Milošević and Milošević’s State Security Agency, media persecution of Zoran Đinđić, about the assassination itself, action Saber, Koštunica’s and Tadić’s coming into office, trial of the assassinators and responsibility of the prosecutor Miljko Radisavljević for the obstruction of attempts of disclosing the political background of the assassination.

Third Podgorica Journalism Forum once again gathered representatives of the most prominent regional media and most influential representatives of the journalist profession in a two-day conference in Podgorica. Montenegrin journalist and publicist Andrej Nikolaidis is the winner of the main prize for contribution to professional journalism "Miodrag Vukmanović", and the recognition for journalistic work was awarded to Boško Jakšić, columnist of Politika. Special recognitions for best work in the area of RTV journalism went to Marija Arnautović, Radio Free Europe, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina with the work “Permanently temporary;” Nataša Baranin with the documentary “Velika huge crime” broadcasted on the Public Service of Montenegro; Team Rakonjac, Andrijašević, Adamović and Terzić with documentary “Montenegro in the First World War” which was also broadcasted on the TV Crna Gora and Selma Boračić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, news desk of Radio Free Europe, with the work “Rest for the son, father and grandfather.”

In the category of written journalistic works, apart from the works from our portal, series of texts on the disputed deals in the Municipality Budva – “Deals worth almost seven million,” by the author Draško Đuranović, published in the paper Pobjeda, also attracted attention. Uroš Skerl Kramberger from the portal Dnevnik.si from Slovenia was noticed for the series of texts on the migration crisis, Faruk Vele, from Dnevni avaz from Bosnia and Herzegovina, for the text “Bakir Bay start dealing with Bosnia already!”